Presenters Guidelines
Time provided for the presentations is 15 minutes, followed by 5 minute discussion.
Presenters of the papers should contact the session chairs before their presentetion and upload their slides.
Posters requirements: size: „A0”. format: „standing”.
Submission Guidelines
Extended abstracts (three to four pages long) and full papers (six pages long) must be prepared according with the rules reported in the following template file: .doc Template – download. Electronic abstracts and full papers must be in Adobe Acrobat (pdf).
To upload your final paper use this link and follow the instructions. You need to provide the paper ID you received upon abstract submission. Please check carefully reviewers’ suggestions.
Inclusion of your paper in the Conference Proceedings requires assignment of copyright to the sponsoring Society. You can find the copyright form at this link: Copyright-Form. Please, send it to us by email at:
Workshop Awards
An award will be given for the Best Scientific Paper & Presentation of the Workshop.
To encourage the attendance of young researchers, an award will be given for the Best Paper Authored and Presented by a Researcher Younger than 35 Years in Age.
To highlight the importance of the poster sessions, an award will be given for the Best Poster Presented by PhD Students.
To highlight the importance of the poster sessions, an award will be given for the Best Poster Presented by Master Students.
To highlight the importance of the live demonstration session, an award will be given for the Best Live Demonstration presented on the Workshop.